
Development and Bug reports


Berusky is a free logic game, published under GNU Public License and it's based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban.

An old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player.

In order to leave each level (there's about 120 levels in the game) it is necessary to own five keys and also to have a free way to the exit.

Berusky was primarily aimed to MS-DOS 5.x but the new version was reworked and runs on Linux and Windows now. It uses SDL library for graphics backend.

The game has been quite successful and well adopted by Czech players. We noticed about 20.000 downloads and Berusky was published as a CD bundle in many Czech gamer magazines, for instance Level, Gamestar.

Players highly appreciate its playability, well designed levels, low hardware requiements and nice graphics.


Berusky is available for Linux, Windows and some others platforms. It's also a registered project at and can be downloaded there, too. Logo

The latest stable version is 1.3 and you may choose from:

Linux distros ship Berusky already in their repos:


The latest stable version is 1.3. It contains fixes from various sources (linux distros), new Windows support, translation and level editor fixes. A changelog is available here.


The Berusky sources and graphics are available under GPL2 license and can be freely downloaded and distributed. The project is also hosted at GitHub. You may:

Linux build instructions

You may need to install some aditional devel packages (SDL-devel, SDL_image-devel).

If you use rpm based distro (Fedora, Mandriva, SuSe, etc.), just rebuild source rpm packages with rpm-build utility:

$rpmbuild --rebuild
$rpmbuild --rebuild

and install binary packages from build root. If you don't have the rpm luxury just extract files from source tarball and build it by:

$configure; make; make install

Windows build instructions

I use free Visual Studio Express for Berusky development on Windows platform. You can get my project here . It should build fine without any extra tweaks.

Windows icon and an installation script for Inno setup tool are available at .


Project leader and code: Martin Stransky
Game idea and level design: Lubos Dolezal
In game graphics: Jan Halfar
Menu graphics and Berusky logo: Vaclav Hlobil
English translations: Radek Biba
Sound and Music: Martin Linda
Testing: Ondrej Soucek

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